We are proud to sponsor the Toms River Police Department's Keep Kids Alive Drive 25 Campaign
A Message From Founder Tom Everson​​
The mission of KEEP KIDS ALIVE DRIVE 25® is to make streets safer for all who walk, cycle, play, drive, and ride, while supporting families whose loved ones died due to a traffic incident. Our goal is to put an end to deaths and injuries caused by all manner of unsafe driving behaviors. We do so by educating and actively engaging citizens in a common commitment to create safer streets for the benefit of all, beginning right in our own neighborhood. No one wants to be behind the wheel and hit someone, yet our behaviors can lead to just such incidents. Check out "Practice the Better" on the KKAD25 Blog for examples of safe driving behaviors we can practice each time we get behind the wheel.
It’s easy to get started right in your own community. Click "Get Started" for information on how to begin in your community. You can also e-mail kkad25@kkad25.org or call 402-334-1391 and we’ll advise you on the best way to get started. KEEP KIDS ALIVE DRIVE 25® is available for on-site consultation and assistance in launching your own local campaign.
It’s About Kids! It’s About Safety!
It’s About Caring! It’s About Time!®
Safe travels,
Tom Everson

The Toms River Police Department began its Keep Kids Alive Drive 25 Campaign in 2023. Overseen by their Community Affairs Bureau, Class I Officer Todd Garris brought this incredible program to Toms River.
These signs, purchased by the Toms River Police Foundation, are placed in neighborhoods that receive higher call volumes for speeding. Homeowners are made aware of the campaign and that the signs will be there for two weeks.

The signs are a reminder to drivers to slow down, especially in residential areas. The saturation of signage to one area at a time ensures the message is received.